Tuesday, January 14

Tag: Plastic Surgery

Did Famke Janssen Botched Plastic Surgery?
Fashion, Life Style

Did Famke Janssen Botched Plastic Surgery?

After the BBC mini-series 'The Capture', many fans were left baffled as to whether Famke Janssen had undergone plastic surgery. Her pillowy skin and pronounced lips have been a source of controversy for some time, but recent photos show that her appearance has improved. Despite the criticism, fans are still able to appreciate the actress' natural charm and beauty. Famke Janssen Botched Plastic Surgery In recent years, speculation about whether Famke Janssen botched plastic surgery has increased. Since her last plastic surgery, she's had multiple procedures, including a nose job and a face lift. While many of her fans were thrilled to see her new look, others have been displeased by her unnatural appearance. Most of the negative comments have revolved around the fact that Janssen's face ...